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New projects launched!

Published: at 01:00 AMSuggest Changes

We’ve launched our first projects today, check them out under Projects. These are low-quality but high-concept tests, feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Beam is a dream of how we could chat with each other virtually and make it slightly more interesting than just having video tiles. Microsoft and others have tried something similar with their “Together Mode,” which as far as I can tell hasn’t really taken off, I think because it looks creepy and unreal. The approach of Beam is to embrace the goofiness of it, and make it easy to share links and join Beams without registration or delays.

News Planet

A simple news reader, but visualized on a spinning globe. There would be many ways of improving it, probably by maybe switching to another mapping service and making it more interactive to go to the locations. Feel free to share ideas!

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