All the projects from the CommonSky.
PROJECT (DEFINITION) (n.) - c. 1400, projecte, "a plan, draft, scheme, design," from Medieval Latin proiectum "something thrown forth," noun use of neuter of Latin proiectus, past participle of proicere "stretch out, thrust out, throw forth," from pro- "forward" (see pro-) + combining form of iacere (past participle iactus) "to throw" (from PIE root *ye- "to throw, impel").
Here are projects 🥏 projected and thrown out into the world.
🪐 Beam

Imagine you could beam yourself and a couple of compadres into unusual & delightful environments to talk together with high-latency audio and low-quality graphics! That's what Beam can do, for free, in your browser, with no sign-up or registration required. Beam me up, Scotty!
🌎 News Planet

"Planet Xiroph" by Teleyinex is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 .
This app visualizes daily news from free sources on a spinning globe, which you can step through with the ← and → arrow keys.